The Labour Assembly Against Austerity (LAAA) is a not-for-profit campaigning organisation. It campaigns to reject cuts to public services and our rights, discuss alternatives to austerity and supports the People’s Assembly Against Austerity organisation.

Co-Chairs: Steve Turner, Unite the union Assistant General Secretary and chair of the People’s Assembly Against Austerity, and Diane Abbott MP.

Vice-Chairs: Mike Hedges, Chair of Unite London and Eastern region Labour Party Liaison Committee and Lucy Anderson (former MEP).

Peter Hain, Jeremy Corbyn MP, John McDonnell MP, Elaine Smith MSP

Our History:

As well as the above officer group the Labour Assembly Against Austerity was established with Peter Hain, Jeremy Corbyn MP, John McDonnell MP, Elaine Smith MSP as patrons. We have organised large and successful events over many years. Trade unions and organisations that have supported these events include: Unite the Union, GMB, TSSA, ASLEF, BFAWU, FBU Momentum, CLPD, LRC, Morning Star, Tribune, London Labour Left, Labour Briefing Co-operative, Chartist, Red Labour and the Campaign for Trade Union Freedom and over twenty MPs have also participated in our annual and briefing events.