manifesto-confLabour Assembly has drafted a contemporary resolution and organised a fringe meeting under the theme of End Austerity and the Cost of Living Crisis.

We encourage activists to discuss the resolution at their CLP for submission before 11th September and circulate details of the fringe meeting to comrades you know attending conference.

Discuss and submit the contemporary resolution.

Make sure you join the facebook event and share the leaflet.



conference-14-fringe-1Fringe Meeting

Manifesto for a Labour Govt: 

End Austerity and the Cost-of-Living Crisis


  • Katy Clark MP
  • Diane Abbott MP
  • Steve Turner, Unite the Union and People’s Assembly
  • Billy Hayes, Communication Workers Union
  • Owen Jones
  • Dominic Curran


  • Cat Smith, PPC (Lancaster and Fleetwood)
  • Kate Osamor, NEC

7.30 – 9pm, Sunday 21st September
Unite the Union Marquee, Manchester Central

Refreshments provided


LAAA newsletter imgConference Newsletter

Download and read our conference newsletter, with articles by Katy Clark MP, Steve Turner of Unite and Diane Abbott MP.








Contemporary Resolution for Labour Party Conference 2014

End Austerity and the Cost of Living Crisis

Conference notes:

  1. The ONS announcement on 13 August that nominal wages fell by 0.2% in the second quarter of 2014 with the fall in inflation-adjusted pay since 2009 representing the most sustained decline in real wages since the 1870s.
  2. The Trust for London analysis published on 14 August that the number of low paid jobs in London has increased for the fourth year running, indicating growth of a low-pay culture.
  3. Pay restraint in the historically low-paid public sector has resulted in local government wages falling by 18% since 2010, with over 400,000 workers earning less than £15,000 per year, and has resulted in unprecedented joint action by Unite, Unison and GMB.
  4. For the first time on record the majority of people living in poverty in the UK are from working families.

Conference believes a cost of living crisis from falling incomes, through real terms wage cuts, the growth of precarious employment and reductions in social security payments, stem from Tory austerity policies.

Conference supports the fair pay in local government campaign led by Unite, Unison and GMB, and the Britain Needs a Pay Rise campaign led by the TUC.

Conference resolves that Labour would end the cost-of-living crisis through:

  • ending public sector pay restraint, including increasing local government pay by £1 per hour;
  • ending restrictions of social security payments including abolishing the national social security cap and household cap;
  • increasing the National Minimum Wage by £1.50 and legislating for a National Living Wage.

The deadline for receipt of contemporary motions is Thursday 11 September 2014 at 12 noon.

The title has a maximum of 10 words and the motion a maximum of 250 words.


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