More and more people are being pushed into poverty as we suffer the longest sustained fall in real wages since the 1870s.

Labour should be clear that the cost of living crisis whether that is through real terms wage cuts, the growth of precarious employment or reductions in social security payments, stem directly from Tory austerity policies. Voters require the promise of an economic alternative that addresses these issues, that they can get behind.

Clear solutions to the cost of living crisis, including an increase in public sector pay, the introduction of national living wage regulation and the reversal of social security cuts. The government needs to significantly invest; to restore economic growth and deliver prosperity.

A major local government strike and growing ballots for action across the wider public sector, show ordinary people have had enough of falling pay and are taking action. At the same time Labour councillors are increasing urging the party to commit to ending cuts to local authorities after next year’s election.

We need to ensure that the whole labour movement, from Labour Party councillors and activists to trade unions, are fighting together to fund and deliver the payrise people so desperately need.

That’s why Labour Assembly Against Austerity is asking you to do three things to ensure Ed Miliband delivers the message voters want to hear.

We need a clear, simple policy commitment. Make sure your local Labour members and councillors discuss and support these goals, both in your local area and at national events.

Make sure your local Labour Party is supporting local government union branches at their next day of co-ordinated strike action on 14th October.

And, mobilise your local Labour Party to join the Labour Assembly bloc at the TUC demo, Britain Needs a Pay Rise, on 18th October. See you in London.



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